Justice For Isaac
The basic purpose of this section is to recognize Isaac. We feel that Isaac doesn't get enough credit. Isaac is a great musician. He's also very sweet, and sometimes we just feel so sorry for him. Please read our article, and participate in Isaac's birthday book. We would really appreciate it a lot!!!
=P This is an article from Albertanian's Standing In The Rain. This is an article that I wrote for the newsletter. This is MY article, so please do not take it without asking me first!! Feel free to use ANYTHING on this page but Please e-mail me first. =P thanx Jen

Ike Needs the Love


"Isaac Hanson, the oldest of the Hanson siblings, but so many times the forgotten Hanson, living in the shadows of his brothers as they climb to the top." 

    When someone mentions Hanson we often hear about Taylor's shyness, his incredible smile, and his gorgeous body; or Zac's adorable face, and his great sense of humor, or as some would say, "his craziness". Rarely do we here such great things about Isaac. Usually when people are asked what they like about Isaac, they comment on his wonderful musical abilities and nothing more. Perhaps they say that because they know little about him. We hear a lot of facts about Isaac, but why is that we seem to know so much more about Zac and Taylor? Is it because Isaac is just simply a secretive person who likes to keep to himself, or is it because nobody takes the time to ask Isaac what he's interested in, in interviews? Some fans won't even be so kind as to stop and say hi to him when they get to meet Hanson. And how does all this effect Isaac? Does he feel trapped in the shadows of his brothers because maybe they happen to fall in the same age range of most of the fans? I believe he feels left out. Just look at the look in his eyes on Rosie Odonnel when nearly all the fans pass him by to speak to his younger siblings. How do we make Ike feel that he is not just standing in the shadows of his brothers? I believe that we, as fans, can only do that by treating the brothers equally. Hanson is a band composed of three brothers. They are three individuals, but when they perform, they are not Isaac,Taylor, and Zac Hanson, they're simply Hanson, a group of guys doing what they love; playing music. We should think of them as three brothers, equal in talent, who all make equal constributions to our favorite band. If one of them wasn't here, then Hanson wouldn't be what they are today.  

Ike's Birthday

Hey! This is Jerri. I know that Ike's birthday isn't until November, but you can never plan too soon in advance.

Last year I got a countless number of emails about a birthday card for Zac; however I only got 1 email about Isaac's birthday. So this year I would like to make a booklet for Isaac's birthday. Please email me with your birthday wishes for Isaac. They can be as long or as short as you want. Also if you have any pictures that you have taken at a Hanson concert, or just a picture of yourself that you can email me, please do that. I think if I can get a lot of participation from Isaac fans, this can be a really good book. Please help out guys!!! Also, I need ideas for a theme for the book. A lot of people have used the idea of 10,000 roses, so I'd like to do something different for a change. I thought about making it so that each page of the booklet has something to do with a song that Ike sings lead on, but I'm not sure. Have any ideas??? I want to have at least 50 messages from fans; so pleeeeeeaaaaaassssssse help us out if you can. I know I'm a pain, but it would only take 2 seconds to write a small birthday wish and send it to me. (Don't forget that they can be long too...hehe) Thank you!!!! I'll have more info posted, as soon as I get to working on this project.

~*Jerri*~ cried2tears64@hotmail.com